Dares, Team bonding, Father & Sons, Mother & Daughters - You can call it what you want...

...but lets call it what it is - Hazing, Initation, Dangerous Behaviours

And it's time to Call it out!

Hazing and initation type behaviours can happen at any time of year and part of different university groups. This is something that is banned at the University of Nottingham but we know still happens. It can often be dressed up by 'fun' names or descriptions that can disguise and confuse students as to what they are being invited to take part in. However, what sometimes lies behind these names can be humiliation and costly, pressured experiences with potentially dangerous consequences.

We know with initiations/hazing, students often feel that they may be the only person who doesn't want to do something. However, often the majority of students being asked to take part in these type of activities don't want to take part, but feel pressured. In telling us you can be part of the solution in breaking the cycle, so no students have to feel they have to do something that they don't want to do.

If you've experienced or witnessed hazing/intiation type behaviours then you can help the University stop this by telling us about what is happening/has happened.

Our Report and Support form, which connects you to a specialist team, offers the option for you to share information anonymously or for you to complete with your contact details. Ideally, we would always ask you to complete with your contact information (even if you share this with us, we would discuss with you if you are comfortable being identified) so that we can talk to you about support available and ensure we have the information needed. However we also recognise that sometimes people reporting are worried about speaking up and the impact that this may have on their inclusion in activities and/or university experience. Mechanisms are in place to deal with anonymous reports but unfortunately we are unable to provide support to people who report in this way. Anonymous reports are however still reviewed and risk assessed with safeguarding work completed where necessary.

Our Report and Support team are a small, friendly team who offer support and advice to students who have had a difficult experience. Submitting a form to us is first and foremost about ensuring you are supported appropriately. We have clear processes we follow depending on the information we receive and can discuss with you all reporting options available to you.

If you don't feel comfortable completing the form you can also always tell a member of staff. This could be someone working in Sports, the Student's Union, your school, Support & Wellbeing, or your halls. The staff member can then support you to complete the form or can complete this on your behalf, as well as offer any immediate support required.

You can find more information below:

What is hazing/initation

It happened to me

It happened to someone I know

More support available

There are two ways you can tell us what happened