What is Report and Support?

Report and Support is an online platform where students and staff or anyone with concerns around students or staff can make a report if they have experienced or witnessed incidents of harassment, abuse or assault either anonymously or by submitting details to receive further support and advice. The webpage also provides information on internal and external support, policies and campaigns.

Who are the Report and Support Team?

The team who manages the student reports and reports about students are:

Safeguarding Senior Manager – Laura Sanderson

Student Wellbeing Service Manager – Laura Mynett

Support & Wellbeing Practitioners - Lena Reid & Chloe Durack-Robinson

You can also view photos of our team on our Student Wellbeing Pages

The staff reports are administered by members of the HR Department.

Who can make a report?

Report and Support is a publicly available platform where University of Nottingham students, staff and anyone with a concern about a University of Nottingham student or staff member can make a report. If you are a member of the public and you would like to report incidents of noise or other anti-social behaviour, please contact our Community Engagement Team.

Can students and staff only report things that happened on campus or at university events? 

No. Student and staff members can report any incident of harassment, abuse or assault that has happened to them regardless of location. 

I have made a report with contact details - what happens next?

Student reports are reviewed every working day by the Report and Support Team. 

If you make a student report with contact details, your report will be assigned and a member of staff will contact you within five working days. The staff member will speak with you about what you have reported, offer support, advice and guidance and discuss reporting options available. 

Speaking to the staff member does not mean that you are making a formal report to the university, it is to enable you to access the support you need to make an informed decision. 

Staff reports are administered by members of the HR Department.

I have made an anonymous report – what happens next?

If you make an anonymous report, we have no way of identifying the person reporting unless this information is included in the free text boxes. We will therefore not be able to contact you directly and offer you any advice or support. Anonymous reports are reviewed to identify any risks that need to be considered. If no further action is identified, the report is closed. 

Who can see my report? 

Only the Report and Support Team can see the report in the first instance. The team will only assign your report to another team or staff member if they specifically need to be involved in supporting you.   

What direct action can you take from anonymous reports?

Whilst we are unable to contact the person who has made the report, we are able to use the information provided to help us better understand the issues within the University and our community. We use the anonymous data in our annual report. 

How confidential is my report? 

We want to ensure people reporting through the system stay in control of the reporting process as far as possible. If you provide details identifying people involved, and the nature of your report raises urgent concerns about risk to you or others, we may judge that action is required even if you are not requesting action be taken at this point. Wherever possible, we will discuss this with you first.   

What do you do with the data gathered from reports? 

The data collected from Report and Support is anonymised and used to produce an annual report. These reports would include the number of cases, most reported types of harassment and location. The EDI team and Faculty Safeguarding Leads also use the anonymised data to help understand themes about issues students may experience and what action may be required by the university.  

How long is the data stored on the system?

Records on Report and Support will be maintained in line with the university’s retention policy.

There are two ways you can tell us what happened