Bullying is the exercise of power over another person through negative acts or behaviours that undermine that person.

Harassment includes but is not limited to the derogatory treatment of a person based on protected characteristics (whether actual or perceived), including: age; disability; gender reassignment; race; religion or belief; sex; sexual orientation. 

Harassment can also include stalking. This is when someone's behaviour is deemed to be unwanted and persistent, targeted towards an individual, causing them distress and concern. This can also take the form of 'cyber stalking'.  
Victimisation occurs when a person is treated less favourably because they have made or are planning to make an allegation of harassment, or have participated in an investigation. 
Below are some examples of harassment, bullying and victimisation. It should be noted that this is by no means an exhaustive list, but a few common scenarios. 

Chanting: First week rivalry between halls of residence leads to derisory chants aimed at members of a rival hall. These become obscene personal insults intended to humiliate any student from that hall. 

Exclusive behaviour: A Students' Union club/society sees consumption of alcohol as the way to 'belong' and pressure to drink alcohol is put on a student wishing to be part of this group. This excludes any student who does not wish to consume alcohol.

Victimisation: A student is threatened by his friends when he says he is going to report one of their group for being misogynistic towards some of the girls in hall. 

Abusive communication: An individual receives a message from another individual containing offensive language or material.

Threatening behaviour: An individual receives threat from another person of physical harm or releasing of personal information. 

The University of Nottingham does not tolerate any form of harassment, bullying or victimisation towards any member of our community.

Statutory definitions of harassment

There are two ways you can tell us what happened